Starter op de Exportafdeling gezocht!

Working with airfreight, but not on ? We are looking for a starter in administration for a company in . Your activities contain Reviewing export documents. Discussing shipping options with clients. Organizing goods into different shipping categories to assist with payment and fees. Determining the best route for shipping and planning containers. Planning logistical transportation details with shipping companies and airlines. Communicating with vendors regarding claims and payment adjustments. Managing and assisting with cargo loading processes. Tracing lost packages and communicating details with clients. Inspecting items and counting items to compare with the invoice information. Communicating the shipping status to customers. Monitoring shipments to ensure a vendor picks up the cargo or delivers cargo. Creating shipping documents, including bills, invoices and reports. Tracking shipping details, including cargo contents, weight and transportation time.


Talen , s


Starter op de Exportafdeling gezocht!
2024-05-14 - 2024-06-22

Aanwerving Organisatie: via Global Recruitment
Contract: Permanent
Gemiddeld loon: 2000
Valuta: EUR
Address place: AMSTERDAM
Land: Netherlands
Postal Code: 1047HS
Telefoon: +32 493 78 60 54


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